Woodend High Street Traffic Design
Moderator: macedonrangesresidentgroup
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Feed - Intersection in front of Coles Supermarket Intersection in front of Coles Supermarket
The intersection in front of the Coles supermarket is difficult to navigate, even in a small car, and is complicated by the service road also being the main northern access to the train station for connecting Vline coach services.
Moderator: macedonrangesresidentgroup - 1 Topics
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Round about?
by mel.carson@bigpond.com View the latest post
Feed - Woodend main street design Woodend main street design
The Woodend main street currently includes a dual carriageway in the centre, together with two services roads which each have parking on either side. It has been proposed to change the design to have a wide central tree-lined median strip with seating, pergola, etc., with single direction traffic either side, similar to some rural towns (eg. Bairnsdale in the east and Bright in the northeast) which results in smoother traffic flows, and more importantly, easier pedestrian movements from one side to the other.
Moderator: macedonrangesresidentgroup - 1 Topics
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Tree-lined median strip
by gflex View the latest post
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