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Council Charge for Green Waste

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2024 2:05 pm
by Grant
All in all we thought Council did a better job this year than past. Still improvement required in traffic flow, illegal parking and litter. However, one thing that really agitates is is that we have just returned from Woodend Transfer Station to get rid of a load of leaves and was advised that as of 1 July this year we will need to pay $20/cubic metre (roughly $15 for our 6 x 4 trailer) to dispose of them.

So we put on the show, we put up with a month of inconvenience, a month of people attempting or actually trespassing on to our property, a month of litter, people picnicking on our nature strip, parking in front of our gates etc and now Council has the gall to charge us to clean up once the show is over. We will to call council (both Autumn Festival coordinator and person responsible for transfer station) plus our representative councilor to vent our view on this matter. Will be looking for say 20 free passes to be issued. Perhaps others in forum can do same as I don't think council understand how much leave matter there is to be cleaned up and at $15 per trailer it gets very expensive and I assume they/we don't all want to be burning this volume of leaves.