Visitor Vehicle Parking

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Visitor Vehicle Parking

Post by andrewh »

I wish the council would be more extensive with their temporary parking restrictions by extending them well into the Macedon township, up along Waterfalls Road and up and down Mount Macedon Road. I also wish that they would be more proactive about enforcing the temporary rules. There needs to be a disincentive for visitors from driving aimlessly around looking for somewhere to park, resulting in traffic grinding almost to a standstill once those numbers reach a certain threshold.
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Re: Visitor Vehicle Parking

Post by Waterfalls »

Over the past three years I have endeavoured to have the council erect Permit Parking ONLY signs in Waterfalls Rd and issue permits to be displayed on residents' vehicles, particularly the 7 properties between Honour Avenue and the Riddells Creek bridge. While every year I have dealt with a different MRSC person, who all agree it is a viable idea, it never happens because it is 'too hard' to police. This came about over two incidents. The first being my daughter receiving a parking infringement when she parked in our driveway for 10 minutes when she collected her dog and the second was our neighbours not being able to have family members park in Waterfalls Rd when they were celebrating a 70th birthday, requiring guests having to park at Tony Clark and walk to the property.
These parking restrictions mean that all properties in this small stretch cannot have an event when more than four cars need parking for over a month (the no parking signs are coming down today despite there being no leaves to view).
Positive moves from the MRSC have been the increased number of 'no parking' signs displayed, the temporary toilets near the Macedon tennis courts (we have had people ask to use our household toilet) and this year placing the bollards along the road (but only on weekends-do not understand why they can't be left out while the restricted parking signs are displayed).
While this has seen far fewer cars parking illegally in Waterfalls Rd, the problem seems to have moved one street further along with both sides of Bent St choked with cars causing a single lane width for access.
The 60kph speed reduction signs on Mt Macedon Rd from the freeway exit need to be the type that can be flipped back to 80kph after the 5pm parking restriction time.
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Joined: Thu May 30, 2024 8:33 pm

Re: Visitor Vehicle Parking

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Parking is definitely an issue. We are on honour Ave and for the full month we rarely invite visitors to our house because there are too many hassles coordinating parking etc. We are lucky enough to have a horse shoe driveway accommodating more cars but last year my dad's 80th we had two family members fined for parking just outside our fence line.
Having "visitor" permits would most definitely help to eliminate this. Not a huge A4 "residential" laminated sheet.
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